Teachers’ Research Capability and Productivity: Basis in Developing a Capability Building Program

Teachers’ Research Capability and Productivity: Basis in Developing a Capability Building Program

Antonio L. Cruz, Ed.D.
La Consolacion University Philippines (LCUP)


     The study rests on the premise that a high extent of research capability translates to a high production of researches.  Employing descriptive evaluation research design, the researcher selected the teachers of the 11 PaDSS member-schools randomly and proportionately.  Using survey and questionnaires, the study was able to provide a profile of its current state of research.  The results showed that only two have research offices and a formal allocation of a research budget which is used to send teachers to seminars and trainings.  Only eight schools regularly review and evaluate their programs once a year.  Only one school has an existing research manual, which guides the school in the implementation of its research policies and procedures.  Only one school regularly publishes a research journal.  There are only three institutions that have active researchers from their roster of teachers, and also three schools who have their teachers present researches in a forum.  For the whole population of the teachers of the PaDSS member-schools, it is important to note that only less than 20 percent are active researchers.  Their individual research capability has a “high extent” self-rating, but this figure does not translate into “high” research productivity.  While there is an unequivocal support for research from the school administration, there are still issues that need to be addressed: lack of time, absence of research training and the need for cash rewards or incentives.  There is also a need to find ways in motivating the teachers to do research, and one of these is to allocate funding for research and research-related activities.

    The results also proved that there is still so much to be desired when it comes to research capability, more so in translating this into research productivity.

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