Core Values

“Core Values are a set of beliefs that define how the organization will live what it feels are very meaningful to its growth and development. They are small sets of timeless principles that lie behind the organizational culture.” (Klatt, 2001)

I.   Christian Discipleship


    • Manifests a strong sense and experience of God’s loving presence developed through reflection and prayer (e.g. Angelus, grace before and after meals, prayer before sleeping and rising, praying the rosary, visits to the Blessed Sacrament).
    • Invokes the guidance of the Holy Spirit before making critical decisions.
    • Acts reverently in church and in other places of worship and prayer and cares for religious signs and symbols with utmost respect.
    • Participates actively in liturgical activities in the spirit of adoration, thanksgiving, and Christian fellowship.
    • Uses the name of God reverently in prayer or casual conversation; shows wholesome, clean, and refined habits of speech end action.
  • Knowledge of the Catholic Faith
    • Reads and reflects on Sacred Scriptures/as means of daily spiritual nourishment.
    • Upholds what is rightand just in accordance with Christian ethics.
    • Shows understanding of and support for the social teachings of the Church.
    • Manifests devotion to the Blessed Virgin May through the imitation of her virtues.
    • Seizes opportunities for Catholic evangelization and catechesis through Bible studies, prayer meetings, retreats, recollections, catechetical instruction, etc.


    • Shows a holy fear of the Lord through faithfulness to His commandments.
    • Respects and obeys the guidance of the Church hierarchy on moral, ethical, and social issues.
    • Binds oneself to an unqualified avowed task, responsibility, cause or relationship as shown in prompt submission of requirements, obedience to laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, etc.
    • Remains persistent and passionate in pursuing a task or fulfilling a promise even in the face of difficulties.
    • Protects and promotes the sacredness of prayer life.


    • Displays joyful confidence in God’s loving care.
    • Celebrates the sacraments of the Church in thanksgiving for God’s graciousness.
    • Proclaims joyfully the good that God does for and through people.
    • Gives honest praise and appreciation for the good done by others
    • Reciprocates favors received without sacrificing professional and ethical concerns.


II.  Respect for Human Dignity


    • Takes decisive action against all forms of dishonesty and unethical conduct as shown in observing intellectual honesty, returning lost objects, reporting/correcting wrongdoing, etc.
    • Fulfills one’s obligations and promises faithfully.
    • Admits mistakes and accepts corrections for self-improvement.
    • Expresses oneself truthfully, positively, and unpretentiously and inspires others to do the same.
    • Refuses consistently to compromise truth for personal gain or to use authority and relationships for exploitative and immoral pursuits.


    • Accepts humbly, gratefully, and unpretentiously one’s own giftedness.
    • Respects the uniqueness of each individual.
    • Protects the good name of others by not resorting to gossiping and rumor-mongering.
    • Exercises prudence, good judgment, and self-control in receiving and giving feedback.
    • Acknowledges in all circumstances God’s graciousness as the wellspring of all goodness.


    • Respects one’s body as the temple of the Holy Spirit.
    • Avoids food, substances, and practices that are harmful to the body.
    • Exercises regularly to keep oneself physically fit and engages in hobbies to uplift the spirit.
    • Participates actively in light of the teachings of the Church.
    • Shows cheerfulness, calmness, and graciousness even in stressful situations.


    • Observes proper hygiene and good grooming.
    • Keeps surroundings clean and supports practices on proper waste management.
    • Stays away from obscene materials and similar influences that are offensive to modesty and to purity of mind and heart.
    • Supports actively campaigns against pornography in all its forms.
    • Assumes the honest intentions of others and treats them in a friendly, fair, and Collegial manner.


III. Preferential Option for the Poor


    • Makes other persons feel valued and important.
    • Demonstrates sensitivity and responsiveness to human misery through corporal works of mercy.
    • Exercises thoughtful care, patience, and understanding in responding to the needs, feelings, and limitations of others.
    • Shows respect and support for the least able and handicaps.
    • Uses appropriate expressions in showing solidarity with those in distress.


    • Promotes concern and protection for women, children and the disadvantaged against physical, verbal, and moral abuse.
    • Acknowledges and champions the struggles of the poor, depressed, oppressed and exploited for more humane existence.
    • Helps the poor become self-reliant and empowered.
    • Collaborates actively with agencies providing educational, health care, and livelihood opportunities for the poor.
    • Supports Church-initiated advocacy programs on current social, economic, environmental, and political concerns.


    • Takes a courageous stand and supports the position of the Catholic Church on current issues on morality and social justice.
    • Manifests joyful and hopeful expectations of God’s unfailing providence.
    • Takes risk in fighting the evils of apathy, complacency and cynicism.
    • Offers active support for the victims and survivors of violence, exploitation and oppression.
    • Stays kind and friendly even when confronted with rejection, hostility, or unfavorable judgment.


IV. Excellence


    • Acknowledges faith in Jesus Christ as the source of human knowledge and values
    • Shows love for assiduous life-long education through reflective inquiry, rational problem solving, team learning, etc.
    • Pursues high achievement standards in everything one does.
    • Seeks specialization in particular fields of study while pursuing concerns for integral human formation.
    • Reflects on links between knowledge and current social realities and takes appropriate action to support transformational change.


    • Seeks to gain and generate new knowledge from learning opportunities in the World Wide Web, community resources, etc.
    • Treasures team learning through skillful discussions and dialogues in groups.
    • Accepts and appreciates the help and support extended by others.
    • Explores diverse opportunities for obtaining comprehensive information and varying perspectives on a given issue.
    • Utilizes personal and community resources judiciously and efficiently.


    • Works responsibly without need for close supervision.
    • Shows consistency in performing tasks systematically and competently.
    • Adheres to high standards of professionalism and work ethics.
    • Shows refinement, propriety and orderliness in dealing with superiors, peers and others.
    • Practices self-reliance and diligence to avoid undue dependence.


V.  Responsible Stewardship


    • Manifests humility, simplicity, and frugality in one’s lifestyle.
    • Shares unconditionally and generously one’s talents, time, and resources with those in need for the common good.
    • Shows patient endurance in reaching out to others towards reconciliation, justice and peace.
    • Demonstrates utmost respect for the beneficiaries of one’s charitable works.
    • Exudes zeal for the good of souls.


    • Makes oneself available for service where and when needed.
    • Works beyond what is expected generously, freely and voluntarily.
    • Completes tasks and solves problems in ways that benefit others.
    • Performs difficult tasks with joyful expectation of God’s loving providence and inspires others to do likewise.
    • Shows initiative, perseverance and determination in meeting responsibilities.


    • Evaluates and reflects on any work done before taking further action.
    • Acts according to the dictates of a clear and well-formed conscience.
    • Respects the counsel and direction offered by proper authorities particularly on moral and ethical issues.
    • Shows positive values and refined habits of speech and action in social interactions.
    • Respects and protects the confidentiality of privileged communication.

Love for Environment

    • Conserves water and energy.
    • Uses, re-uses, and recycles materials properly.
    • Supports actively advocacy programs for the care and protection of the environment.
    • Shows creativity and inventiveness in discovering new ways of conserving the earth’s non-renewable resources.
    • Uses available resources judiciously, efficiently, and responsibly.


VI. Commitment to the Building of the Local Church


    • Contributes to the well-being of the family and helps create and maintain a family climate in school.
    • Promotes harmonious relationships based on mutual trust and respect.
    • Exercises the spirit and ways of fraternal correction.
    • Accepts and performs committee assignments and related tasks willingly.
    • Imposes on oneself voluntarily and willingly high achievement expectations in work and service for the good of the family, school, or community.

Parish Consciousness and Involvement

    • Joins and actively involves oneself in at least one parish organization or ministry.
    • Participates actively in spiritual formation programs in the parish.
    • Gives generous financial support for amelioration programs for the poor.
    • Participates actively in the liturgical celebrations of the parish.
    • Supports the thrust of the parish in building small Christian communities.


    • Appreciates the rich cultural diversities of Filipinos and promotes the best of Filipino customs and traditions.
    • Upholds the rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities of Filipino citizenship.
    • Practices critical analysis and reflection to see the interrelationships of significant historical events.
    • Works to liberate self and others from the influences of mediocrity, complacency, and cynicism.
    • Promotes international understanding and world peace.